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Who We Help

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Ruelas Family Foundation

Changing Lives with Faith, Hope, and Charity

The Ruelas Family Foundation (RFF) has a mission to serve the least among us. We take that mission seriously and encourage individuals and organizations with a need to complete a funding application. Who we help matters, especially families, individuals with mental health issues, and first-generation students in need of scholarships. Through charitable giving, we can reach marginalized communities throughout San Antonio and beyond.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to apply for aid or know of an individual or organization that can help us serve those most in need.

Who We Help

Our goal is to help the least among us—individuals, families, or entire communities. We are particularly interested in marginalized groups. Our faith and spirit of service compels us to help those in need and to create positive change in the world. We believe that those we help will, in turn, help others, and the spirit of giving multiplies, creating a better world for all.

An Example of Who the Ruelas Family Serves

Bowie High School in El Paso, Texas, serves downtown El Paso, including the historic Segundo Barrio neighborhood. It is one of the oldest neighborhoods in El Paso with a rich and diverse cultural history and was for many years one of the poorest in the country. Bowie High School, itself quite historic, was founded in 1927 and is located less than 100 yards from the Mexican border. With a long history of serving immigrant families in their district, they have an active alumni association that supports current students by sponsoring scholarships. Many of these recipients are first-generation college students, and the Ruelas Family Foundation was able to fund more than half of the 2023 scholarships awarded.

In a recent Bowie Alumni Association newsletter, President Grace Gonzalez Watson said:

The Bowie Alumni Association, Inc. will award $66,600 in scholarships this year! It has been said that Bowie High School is one of the few high schools to have such a strong and devoted Alumni Association, but clearly, our success begins and ends with Bowie’s loyal and devoted Exes! It is each and every single one of you who supports our events that makes these scholarships possible! We started with an initial number of $25,000 for ten $2,500 scholarships. It was then, that a God-Sent couple, Raul Ruelas and his wife Karen Ruelas stepped-in to match our $25,000 taking us to a higher amount of $50,000! Right after Raul & Karen’s blessing, Robert & Kate Ruelas sponsored $10,000 as well triggering other loyal & faithful Sponsors to come in...the Bowie Alumni Association would not be able to do this alone but due to God’s grace and to these loyal scholarship sponsors who feel in their hearts to share their blessings with the Bowie Bears unconditionally.

Consider the positive change in this one example: more than two dozen young men and women will be able to pursue an education, leading to future opportunities that would not otherwise have been afforded to them. Furthermore, the confidence in knowing that others believe in them and support them is invaluable and will carry them forward as they pursue their goals.

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